With Erasmus+ to Bolivia
The Erasmus+ funding programme for vocational education and training is now open to the rest of the world. Twenty percent of the approved budget can be used for financing work placements in partner countries outside Europe if certain criteria are met.
Warm welcome and a lot of support
Julia Kehler is a student at Euro Akademie Hanover, Germany and is in her second year of a training and study programme in <link _blank internal-link business>International Business Communication. She made the most of this opportunity and found a work placement in Bolivia through private contacts. Julia worked for eleven weeks in the administration of a hospital in Pailón, a small town in the department of Santa Cruz with approximately 10,000 inhabitants. She got to know the country and its people very well and received a warm welcome and a lot of support from her colleagues. Her tasks included working in administration, in the archives and at reception.
Imaynallataq kachkanki - How are you? Ñuqa Julia kanim - I am Julia.
Julia was particularly fascinated by the cultural diversity of the country. About forty ethnic groups keep their own traditions, cultural characteristics, and languages. Bolivia is a multilingual country, with Spanish, Quechua, and about thirty-five other languages spoken, most of them indigenous. During her stay, Julia polished her Spanish skills and prepared her placement report in Spanish.
The mild temperatures made it easy to explore the fascinating landscape. Julia came back from the internship with many pictures and impressions and enjoyed her time in Bolivia very much.